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 Congratulations to all of our outstanding winning pictures!

2025 Photo Contest Winners 

Category: Find Your Voice

Natalie Soliman, Mariyah Lopez, Raquel Gomez, Hudson Smith

Category: Nature

Mikail Maslov, Andrew Gonzalez, Samuel Dikdan, Nataly Blanco

Category: People

Samuel Dikdan, Madison Hirshberg, Malik Giron, Ryan Peters

Category: Reflection

Giovanni Torres Cortes,Nazareth Garduno, Nataly Blanco, Keyra Morales

Category: Sports

Malik Giron, Mia Cielak, Angela Aguilar, Alyssa Jimenez

Category: Teen Life

Teresa Iniguez, Madison Hirshberg, Alessandra Lo Iacono, Keyra Morales

Category: Best of Show

Maria Nadsady

2024 Photo Contest Winners 

Category: Find Your Voice

Samuel Dikdan, Natalie Soliman, Vivian Simmons, Leslie Fuentes

Category: Nature

Logan Enriquez, Emiliano Diaz, Elizabeth Ozaeta, Lola Garcia​

Category: People

Delilah Alvarado, Zoe Shippee, Sia Presser, Emily Garcia

Category: Reflection

Natalie Soliman, Zoe Shippee, Ryan Peters, Terra Van Dine​

Category: Sports

Mia Cielak, Fatima Lara, David Arredondo, Sienna Dobbins​

Category: Teen Life

Terra Van Dine, Desiree Valezquez, Gabriel Canet, Natalie Soliman

Category: Best of Show

Samuel Dikdan

2023 Photo Contest Winners 

Category: Find Your Voice

Marin Cantrell, Madeline Delana, Elizabeth Ozaeta, Nicholas Kouzmanoff

Category: Nature

Ella Russo, Daniella Martinez, Nicholas Kouzmanoff, Sophia Godoy

Category: People

Madeline Delana, Nicholas Kouzmanoff, Leah Lengkeek, Pierce Snure

Category: Reflection

Madeline Delana, Thomas Kouzmanoff, Ella Russo, Sophia Godoy​

Category: Sports

David Arredondo, Rubi Salazar, Angelina Oros, Nicholas Kouzmanoff​

Category: Teen Life

Madeline Delana, Danielle Fiamengo, Sia Presser, Sara Castiglione  

Category: Best of Show

Natalie Soliman

2022 Photo Contest Winners 

Category: Find Your Voice

Kyla McLay, Sasha Pleasant, Madeline Delana, Nathan Robertson

Category: Nature

Kyla McLay, Carlo Leventis, Michele Lee, Miguel Aranda

Category: People

Miguel Aranda, Madeline Delana, Mayra Reyes, Grace Trester

Category: Reflection

Nathan Robertson, Isabella Cordi, Sean Hetrick, Madeline Delana​

Category: Sports

Mikayla Smith, Madeline Delana, Nathan Robertson, Kyla McLay

Category: Teen Life

Madeline Delana, Kyla McLay, Sasha Pleasant, Jaidyn Cant


Category: Best of Show

Kyla McLay

2021 Photo Contest Winners 

Category: Find Your Voice

Chloe Dowling, Jacqueline Islas, Jonathan Gonzalez, Christelle Beduya

Category: Nature

Kyla Mclay, McKinley Pieper, Chloe Dowling, Tony Vargas

Category: People

Alexis Andersen, Kyla Mclay, Ellie Pearson, Esmeralda Orduno​

Category: Reflection

Tate Ballard, Chandra Joy, Stephen Higgins, Jena Rouser​

Category: Sports

Christopher Perry, Jena Rouser, Mia Hernandez, Kyla Mclay

Category: Teen Life

Jacqueline Islas, Tate Ballard, Albert Aguilar, Chloe Dowling


Category: Best of Show

Albert Aguilar

2020 Photo Contest Winners 

Category: Boys & Girls Club 

Violet Lovely-Lopez, Ahbab Eldaw, Val Rodriguez, Jasmin Mena

Category: Find Your Voice

Marianne Schiappa, Caroline Turnbull, McKinley Pieper, Chloe Dowling 

Category: Nature

Julianna Panetta, Faith Vasquez, Aidan Eliasson, Jacquelyn meek

Category: People

Ella Petakv, Alejandro Barlow, Tamara Echeverria, Noah Rowe

Category: Reflection

Caroline Turnbull, Andrea Erosa, Chloe Dowling, Erin O’Connor 

Category: Sports

Jasmin Mena, Emily Collins, McKinley Pieper, Erin O’Connor


Category: Teen Life

Tamara Echeverria, Steve Francis Rosario, Miguel Rascon Jr, Sophie Walter         


Category: Best of Show

Chelsea Liu

2019 Photo Contest Winners

Redondo Union High School: Adam Fanco, Benjamin Cheng, Halle Bender, ​Isabella Reina, Jason Hernandez, 

Ryan Cartee, Tasneem Khan

Port of Los Angeles High School: Alejandra Barlow, Alysa Sandell, Arika Powell, Brenda Castaneda, Neftali Lopez

Palos Verdes Peninsula High School: Anthony Nuber, Joshua Kahen, Kyle Brundige

Palos Verdes High School: Domenico Ottolia, Emily Imbach, Lloyd Kao, ​McKinley Pieper, Sophie Walter

PVIS: Grant Libeau

Parras Middle School: Kiera Scarlet, Jackson Davy

Adams Middle School: ​Sophia Perez

2018 Photo Contest Winners

2017 Photo Contest Winners

2016 Photo Contest Winners

2015 Photo Contest Winners

2014 Photo Contest Winners

2013 Photo Contest Winners

2012 Photo Contest Winners

We are no longer accepting submissions for the 2025 Photography Contest.

Photographs must be in one of the following categories:

  • People - men, woman, children, groups of people, all ages welcome.

  • Nature - the phenomena of the physical world, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of earth. Not humans or human creations.

  • Teen Life - anything that expresses the life of a teen.

  • Reflection - Things that reflect.

  • Find your Voice - Capture what you're most passionate about.

  • Sports - an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.

How to enter:​​ 

  • Please submit photographs via the "submit photograph" button found on this page.

  • Please pay the $5 entrance fee either using the payment options on this page.

  • Submit no more than one photograph per category. (Multiple entries allowed, as long as you enter in a different category with a different photo each time.) Please note you do not need to send new payment for each submission, a single payment of $5 will cover all of your entries.

  • If you feel that an image fits multiple categories, just choose one based on your best judgment.

  • Complete a separate form for each photo submitted

  • Photographs must be in .JPG or .PNG format.

  • Files submitted may not be larger than 1 GB

  • High-quality scans (.jpg or .png) of non-digital photographs are acceptable. Make sure boarders on film strips are cropped out of the final photograph.

  • Photographs should be the highest resolution possible (minimum size 11x14).

  • We do not accept photographs submitted through the mail.

Jan 31st, 2025 


  • Subject matter in films must be 'appropriate for a school environment’ and be free of derogatory situations and stereotypes based on race, religion, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc.

  • SFX makeup is allowed, but gore must be kept to a minimum. Photos containing images or references to drugs, weapons, or other paraphernalia will be disqualified.

  • Photographs must have been shot by the entrant within the past 12 months.

  • We do not accept extreme digitally or otherwise enhanced or altered photos. Minor adjustments, including spotting, dodging and burning, sharpening, contrast and slight color adjustment or the digital equivalents, are acceptable for all categories. This is a photography contest, not a photoshopping contest.

  • Do not submit downloaded, scanned or stolen images. If our judges see that a photographer has obviously altered his or her photo, they reserve the right to disqualify it.

  • For a photo in which a person is recognizable, you must fill out this release from the subject or, in the case of a minor, the subject’s parent or guardian and provide it to Freedom4U upon request.

  • Photos that violate or infringe upon another person’s rights, including copyright, are not eligible.

  • If your photo is disqualified for any reason, we will email you detailing what needs to be fixed, and an opportunity to re-edit or submit a new photograph, as long as it is edited and re-submitted a week prior to the deadline.


Your photograph(s) will be judged by our panel of judges. The images will be primarily judged on the overall beauty, power, creativity, skill, and originality of the images. All judges will be appointed by Freedom4U. The Winners and Finalists will be determined by the judges and Freedom4U in accordance with the competition rules, their decision is final. 


The students who score as winners will be notified and invited to the virtual reception. The top three winners in each category will receive certificates, money and prizes. One or more honorable mention awards also may be awarded, but there will be no prizes for photographs awarded honorable mention.


Call (310) 897-5043 or email

By entering the contest, entrants grant Freedom4U a royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive license to display, distribute, reproduce, and create derivative works of the entries, in whole or in part, in any media, for any educational, promotional, publicity, exhibition, archival, scholarly, and all other standard purposes. Freedom4U will not be required to pay any additional consideration or seek any additional approval in connection with such uses.


Call: (800) 501-9801


South Bay Mailing Address

336 Tejon Place · Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274


Harbor Area Mailing Address:

333 W. 7th Street · San Pedro, CA 90731​

Freedom4U is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing educational resources to California youth.

Freedom4U is not affiliated with any political or religious groups.

Donations & Gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Tax ID: 82-0542176

© 2022 by Freedom4U

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